Worship Mentorship
Want personal mentorship?
In almost 3 decades of worship ministry, Brian has seen the worship trends, weathered many storms, and desires to give his wisdom and knowledge away to the next generation. In these personal one-on-one sessions, he will answer questions, share life experiences, provide guidance, as well as impart emotional and spiritual support.
Brian has mentored (in group settings) hundreds of worship leaders. From his time at CFNI to various worship schools, as well as the 138 students who have gone through Unveiled Worship Academy, he feels it’s time to impart on a more intimate level—providing personal mentorship to only 10 students over a 7 week period. Those who are accepted will receive 5 one-on-one sessions with Brian (via zoom) as well as 3 group sessions. Who knows, there may even be a few special guests along the way!
“When I was first coming into my role as worship pastor, Brian was a tremendous blessing in mentoring me. I learned a lot about the heart of worship and worshiping in spirit and truth. I also learned a lot on the technical side of being a leader and it gave me the much needed confidence in leading a team that would honor the presence of God.”
— Amandra Beltran, Worship Pastor: Victory Life Church
“When I think of Brian Ming, I see a burning servant’s heart, humbled at the altar and feet of Jesus. He doesn’t seem satisfied until he brings as many others with him who are willing to abandon all for the one true reward—Jesus. Brian’s heartfelt stories made me laugh and cry my way through a transformation season I desperately needed and under his teaching and mentorship, I received gentle and priceless wisdom that will be with me all my days.”
— Kerri Chabot, Worship Leader
“Under Brian’s leadership and mentorship, the most valuable lesson I learned is to obey God when He speaks and to do it as quickly as possible. I have seen firsthand the fruit of obedience in Brian’s life and a quickening faith that believes God’s voice no matter what. If you have the chance to be around him, you will believe for more.”
— Josh Floyd, Worship Pastor: The Road Church
Personal Mentorship: $499
Includes 5 One-on-one sessions with Brian and 3 group sessions with other worship leaders
Here’s some topics of discussion. Each person’s experience will be different, but these are some basic subject matter that could be covered given your situation.
Troubleshooting the roadblocks of worship
Songwriting (lyrics, melody, and finding your sound)
Longevity as a worshiper/worship leader
Church staff related issues
Understanding publishing and royalties
Building a song writing culture
Communication and healthy worship team dynamics
Weathering storms and seasons of hardship
Building a worship culture with your congregation
Relating to the church vision and pastor
Maintaining a pure heart through adversity
Apply for Mentorship
Interested in being mentored? Fill out the form and we will be in touch shortly!
We can't wait to hear from you!